FAQ Full Details:

FAQ Title:

How to Register as a Seller- Sign up Details

FAQ Description:

Seller Registration

How to Register as a Seller

Step 1- Enter www.azeax.com on browser

Step 2- Click 'Seller Register'  on Azeax website

Step 3- Fill the mentioned segments of 'Seller Register' page

I.-  Fill Name Section(Name may be your Name will be registered as Account Name on Azeax)

II.-  Enter your Mobile Number (Mobile Number will be registered for your account for transactions, Notifications and other activities on Azeax )

III.-Enter your email address (email address will be registered for your account for Transactions, Notifications and other Informative activities on Azeax )

IV.- Enter Your Full 'Company Name'

V.- Enter GST Number

VI.- Upload GST Certificate 

VII.- Click the option of "Don't Have GST" if your firm didn't have GST documents

VIII.- Upload Document regarding the declaration of your firm turnover is less than 10 (Ten) Lakhs Per Annum on a stamp paper or company/firm Letter head with authorized signatory and Company/Firm stamp/Seal (when on Company/Firm Letter head)

IX.- Create Password

X.- Confirm Password

XI.- Click on the Squire box to Accept Terms & Conditions and Policies

XII.- Click to Register

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