Refund Policies

Refund Policy

Once we receive returns or Cancellation of product/item/order by buyer by any case may be refund of payment will be issued to the original payment method in case of transaction made by prepaid method or to your Bank Account if transaction is done pay on delivery method

The Refund of payments for different payments modes the time periods are as follows

Prepaid payment of Orders

Payment Mode

Time period after seller notifies receipt of return to Azeax



Credit Card/Debit Card

3 (Three) to 6 (Six) Business /Working days

Net Banking (Credited to Bank Account)

3 (Three) to 6 (Six) Business /Working days

UPI Linked Bank Account

2 (Two) to 5 (Five) Business /Working days


Pay on Delivery on orders

Payment Mode

Time period after seller notifies receipt of return to Azeax



NEFT to Bank Account

3 (Three) to 6 (Six) Business /Working days


Note- For Pay on Delivery orders, Refunds will be made by NEFT to your Bank Account, to receive the refund amount you have to update the details of your bank account to your account section when you are returning/cancelling your order or item/product time period will be applicable after buyer submit all the details to Azeax.

Note- Refunds will be only to be done to Buyer’s account name on Buyer’s Account should match to the Bank Account holder. Refunds cannot be Processed to any third-party accounts.