Cancellation Policies

                                 Cancellation Policy

Cancellation of order will be applicable within 24 (Twenty-Four) Hours of order to buyers. After the 24 (Twenty-Four) Hour’s cancellation of order by Buyer will not be applicable.

1.      Go to Cancel Order in your account

2.      Select Product/item/order to cancel

3.      Reason for cancelation (if any) (optional)

4.      Click on Cancel Order

If Cancelled Order that has not yet dispatched for delivery

If payment has been done then payment will be refunded to buyer as per Refund Policy.

If Cancelled Order that has dispatched for delivery

a.      In case after cancelling the order, buyer is contacted for delivery. Buyer has right to refuse to receive order.

b.     In case you have multiple order combined with one single order id/tracking number or packed in a single shipment then for cancelling one or partial order/product/item you have to cancelled the entire order and in case of buyer is connected for delivery buyer has to refuse or accept the entire order shipment. In case payment already is done by buyer will receive the entire refund of payment made for the cancelled order.