FAQ Full Details:

FAQ Title:

Buyer's Personal and Company/Firm Information

FAQ Description:

Step- 1. Personal Information

I. Click on 'Profile' on Buyer's Dashboard

II. Fill Personal Information 'Full Name', 'Personal ID' and 'Email Address' previously entered on Create an Account Page

III. Select Date of Birth (Buyer have to fill Personal Date of Birth)

IV. Click to Select Gender

V. Fill Your Personal address on 'Address' Section

VI. Click to select Personal ID as per listed multiple ID's on 'Personal Profile information' Segment's 'Personal ID' Section

VII. Ener same ID Number as mentioned on ID that is selected ID on 'Personal ID' section

VIII. Upload same ID that is selected and ID Number entered in  Previous Sections

IX.  Click on 'Next' to Proceed

Detailed full view of Personal Information Page

Step 2- Company Information

I. Enter Your Company Full Name

II. Select Company Firm as Per Company/Firm Documentation from Proprietor, Partnership, OPC & Private Limited

II. (a)- For Selected Firm Proprietor  

II, (b)- Enter Proprietor Name 

II. (c)- Selected Firm Partnership

II. (d)- Upload Partnership Deed for Partner's Name in the Firm/Company

II. (e)- Selected Firm One Person Company (OPC)

II. (f)- Enter CIN of One Person Company (OPC)

II. (g)- Upload CIN Certificate of One Person Company (OPC)

II. (h)- Selected Company/Firm Private Limited (Pvt. Ltd.)

II.(i)- Enter Private Limited (Pvt. Ltd.) CIN

II(J)- Upload Private Limited (Pvt. Ltd.) CIN Certificate

III. Enter Company/Firm Address as Per Documentation

IV. Upload Company/Firm Address Documentation for Address Proof

V. Enter GST Number of Company/Firm

VI. Enter GST Number of Company/Firm

VII. Enter PAN Number of Company/Firm (Note- Proprietor Firm enter Proprietor's PAN Card Number as per Law)

VIII. Upload PAN Card of Company/Firm (Note- Proprietor Firm Upload Proprietor's PAN Card Number as per Law)

IX. Enter Delivery Address Section as per Company/firm Documentation

X. Upload Company/Firm Delivery Address Documentation for Address Proof

XI. Company/Firm sector as per Company/firm Documentation

XII. Select Categories as per your need and requirements

XIII. Click Previous to go back to Personal Profile 

XIV. Click to Complete and Submit Profile

Detailed Full View of Company Information Page

All FAQ Links:


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